Saturday, 30 June 2012

Business Cards

So, I finally got round to sorting out some business cards. It's been trickier than imagined, with so many choices! Which design? Which details should I include? Should I get them done professionally? Should I go for free offers - but with the manufacturer's details also on? Single sided or double sided? All the same or all different? Should I include photos of work? The list goes on and on! Aaaah!
Anyway, with lots of help from the Husband (I need to work on my decision-making skills!) I finally got there. I decided (or should that be 'we'?) to keep it super simple and just print them myself. They just have my folksy shop and email details on, but because I do them myself, I can alter them as needed and include anything I feel necessary without having wasted lots of money and resources. They're single sided so I can write on the back at craft fairs, or use as Thankyou notes with orders.
They may look simple, but they took FOREVER! Like taking good photos I suppose.
Let me know what you think.

Happy Saturday everyone!


Friday, 29 June 2012

Neon Folksy Friday

Well, it's that time again, Folksy Friday time!
Lately the weather's been so dull and dreary, I feel the need to look at some bright and colourful things, and what cheers a person up more than NEON! Yippee!
Pop on your sunnies and feast your eyes on this lovely lot:

Bab's Box - Super Funky Furry Hi-Tops

Looks like the sun's peeking out; it must have worked!
Thankyou to all of the Folksy Artists I've featured.
Happy weekend!


Sunday, 24 June 2012

New Baby Cards

Hope you've all had a wonderful weekend.  My husband and I spent all Saturday at the allotment dealing with the numerous weeds and planting marigolds.  As we live in a flat, it was lovely to be outside - even with the British weather as it is!  We strolled up at 10am with a flask of coffee, intending to spend just a few hours, but ended up staying the entire day: returning home hungry, but happy. :) (Well, we did munch on a raspberry or two!)  
Then a traditional laid-back Sunday at home, him baking bread while I posted up some New Baby card designs to My Folksy Store

Let me know what you think!
