Saturday, 30 June 2012

Business Cards

So, I finally got round to sorting out some business cards. It's been trickier than imagined, with so many choices! Which design? Which details should I include? Should I get them done professionally? Should I go for free offers - but with the manufacturer's details also on? Single sided or double sided? All the same or all different? Should I include photos of work? The list goes on and on! Aaaah!
Anyway, with lots of help from the Husband (I need to work on my decision-making skills!) I finally got there. I decided (or should that be 'we'?) to keep it super simple and just print them myself. They just have my folksy shop and email details on, but because I do them myself, I can alter them as needed and include anything I feel necessary without having wasted lots of money and resources. They're single sided so I can write on the back at craft fairs, or use as Thankyou notes with orders.
They may look simple, but they took FOREVER! Like taking good photos I suppose.
Let me know what you think.

Happy Saturday everyone!



  1. Thankyou! It's hard to tell when you've been looking at them for hours! :)

